TABLEAU | Sprocket Central co


About the project

Sprocket Central Pty. Ltd needs help with its customer and transaction data by consulting with KPMG. KPMG Lighthouse and Innovation Team has expertise in Analytics, Information, and Modeling and is assigned this project. In this virtual internship, my task is to conduct quality checks and provide data insights to suggest high-value customer segments through visualizations.

Questions for the analysis

  1. What are the trends in the underlying data?

  2. Which customer segment has the highest customer value?

  3. What do you propose should be Sprocket Central Pty Ltd’s marketing and growth strategy?

  4. What additional external datasets may be useful to obtain greater insights into customer preferences and propensity to purchase the products?

Check out dashboard

Key takeaway from the dataset

  1. Based on the demographic and transaction of 4000 current customers, customers who bring most profit margins to Sprocket Central Pty. Ltd are: Mass customers, reside in New South Wales, and belong to age group from 40 - 50 years old.

  2. In addition, the table about 1000 potential customers provide further insights for the company. The majority of those potential customers are 40 to 50 years old and mass customers. Those customers also live in New South Wales, and have the most number of bike related purchases.

  3. Suggestions for new customer segmentations for marketing campaigns: Mass customers from 40-50 years old who live in New South Wales.

Tools used


  • COUNTBLANK to summarize the number of blanks and make decicions of data manipulation

  • Filter and sort data to skim through dataset

  • Pivot tables to create breakdowns

  • Conditional formatting for blanks detect

  • VLOOKUP to join tables

  • Calculation function for profit margins

  • DATEDIF to calculate customer ages for demographic segmentation's suggestion


  • Bins to breakdown age group

  • Table calculations for summarizingg and counting data

  • Parameter to prepare for bins

  • Different type of charts: map, bar chart, pie chart

  • Practical use of color and effects to show the intensity of data

Check out my detail analysis here:

Interact with my dashboard here:

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